
Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Developmental Neuroscience


August 1-4, 2023 Participated in the "46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society" held at the Sendai International Center. (2023.08.01)

From August 1st to 4th, 2023, "The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society" was held at the Sendai International Center, where Professor Osumi acted as chairman of the executive committee. Professor Oumi and Associate Professor Kaoru Saijo of the University of California organized a symposium (Forefront of neuroscience research focusing on gender differences), and Assistant Professor kikkawa gave an invited lecture. In addition, Assistant Professor Ochi and Mr. Manabe (D2) gave oral presentations, and three international students gave poster presentations.

Research@Tohoku University
Neuro Global Program Tohoku University
Brain and Individuality
Frontiers of Brain Science