2020.05.28 舘花らの論文がプレスリリース(英文)後、複数の海外メディアに取り上げられました
Age Matters: Paternal Age and the Risk of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children
Age Matters: Paternal Age and the Risk of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children
Age Matters: Paternal Age and the Risk of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children
Gale Onefile(2020.04.20)
Comprehensive histochemical profiles of histone modification in male germline cells during meiosis and spermiogenesis: Comparison of young and aged testes in mice.
Science Daily(2020.04.21)
Age matters: Paternal age and the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in children
Medical Xpress(2020.04.21)
Paternal age and the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in children
Avertisment pentru bărbați: copiii făcuți la vârste înaintate, risc de probleme de neurodezvoltare
Clinique Chirurgie Esthétique Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes(2020.04.21)
Âge paternel avancé associé au risque de troubles neurodéveloppementaux chez les enfants
Tekk Tv(2020.04.21)
Das väterliche Alter und das Risiko von Neuroentwicklungsstörungen bei Kindern.
Instant News(2020.04.21)
Father’s age and the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in children
MotherHood In-Style(2020.04.21)
Why Babies Born To Older Dads Are At Risk Of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Study: Father’s age may affect kid’s chance of having learning disability
Actualidad en Psicologia(2020.04.23)
La edad si importa: la inesperada relación entre la edad paterna y el riesgo de trastornos del neurodesarrollo en niños
Age Matters: Paternal Age And The Risk Of Neurodevelopmental Disorders In Children