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論文 2024年

  1. Naher S., Iemura K., Miyashita S., Hoshino M., Tanaka K., Niwa S., Tsai JW., Kikkawa T &Osumi N.:Kinesin-like motor protein KIF23 maintains neural stem and progenitor cell pools in the developing cortex. The EMBO Journal.(December 2024)
  2. Germeraad J., Kikkawa T., Osumi N.: Vitamin E supplementation prevents ferroptosis in round spermatids of aged mice. bioRxiv. (October 2024) https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.10.21.619554v1
  3. Corales LG., Inada H., Owada Y., Osumi N.: Fatty acid preference for beta-oxidation in mitochondria of murine cultured astrocytes. Genes Cells. (September 2024) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gtc.13144
  4. Ochi S.,Manabe S.,Kikkawa T., Ebrahimiazar S.,Kimura R.,Yoshizaki K.,&Osumi N.: A Transcriptomic Dataset of Embryonic Murine Telencephalon. Scientific Data. (June 2024) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-024-03421-x
  5. Kanlayaprasit S., Saeliw T., Thongkorn S., Panjabud P., Kasitipradit K., Lertpeerapan P., Songsritaya K., Yuwattana W., Jantheang T., Jindatip D., Hu VW., Kikkawa T., Osumi N., Sarachana T.: Sex-specific impacts of prenatal bisphenol A exposure on genes associated with cortical development, social behaviors, and autism in the offspring's prefrontal cortex. Biol Sex Differ. (May 2024) https://bsd.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13293-024-00614-2