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論文 2011年

  1. Wakamatsu, Y. Mutual repression between Pax3 and Pax6 is involved in the positioning of ophthalmic trigeminal placode in avian embryo. Develop. Growth Differ. 53, 994-1003, 2011.
  2. Matsumoto, Y., Tsunekawa, Y., Nomura, T., Suto, F., Matsumata, M., Tsuchiya, S. and Osumi, N.: Differential Proliferation Rhythm of Neural Progenitor and Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells in the Young Adult Hippocampus. PLoS ONE. 6(11), e27628, 2011.
  3. Ono, M., Suzawa, T., Takami, M., Miyauchi, T., Ogasawara, A., Yamada, A., Hosono, T., Arata, S., Miyamoto, Y., Baba, K., Nakamura, M., Osumi, N., Maki, K. and Kamijo, R.: Identification and Isolation of Neural Crest Derived Cells in Nasal Concha. Jpn. J. Tissue Cult. Dent. Res. 20(2), 29-35, 2011.
  4. Sakayori, N., Maekawa, M., Numayama-Tsuruta, K., Katura, T., Moriya, T. and Osumi, N.: Distinctive effects of arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid on neural stem/progenitor cells. Genes Cells. 16(7), 778-790, 2011.
  5. Takahashi, M. and Osumi, N.: Pax6 regulates boundary-cell specification in the rat hindbrain. Mech Dev. 128(5-6), 289-302, 2011.
  6. Kikuchi, M., Hayashi, R., Kanakubo, S., Ogasawara, A., Yamato, M., Osumi, N. and Nishida, K.: Neural crest-derived multipotent cells in the adult mouse iris stroma. Genes Cells. 16(3), 273-381, 2011.
  7. Kobayashi, K., Masuda, T., Takahashi, M., Miyazaki, J., Nakagawa, M., Uchigashima, M., Watanabe, M., Yaginuma, H., Osumi, N., Kaibuchi, K. and Kobayashi, K.: Rho/Rho-kinase signaling controls axon patterning of a specified subset of cranial motor neurons. Eur J Neurosci. 33(4), 612-621, 2011.
  8. Wakamatsu, Y., Sakai, D., Suzuki, T. and Osumi, N.: FilaminB Is Required for the Directed Localization of Cell-Cell Adhesion Molecules in Embryonic Epithelial Development. Dev Dyn. 240(1), 149-161, 2011.