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論文 2017年

  1. Kikkawa, T., Takahashi, M., Osumi, N. Electroporation in the Rodent Embryonic Brain Using Whole Embryo Culture System. Curr Protoc Neurosci, 78:3.30.1-3.30.16, 2017.
  2. Urano-Morisawa, E., Takami, M., Suzawa, T., Matsumoto, A., Osumi, N., Baba, K. and Kamijo, R.: Induction of osteoblastic differentiation of neural crest-derived stem cells from hair follicles. PLoS ONE. 12(4), e0174940, 2017.
  3. Maekawa, M., Watanabe, A., Iwayama, Y., Kimura, T., Hamazaki, K., Balan, S., Ohba, H., Hisano, Y., Nozaki, Y., Ohnishi, T., Toyoshima, M., Shimamoto, C., Iwamoto, K., Bundo, M., Osumi, N., Takahashi, E., Takashima, A., Yoshikawa T.
    Polyunsaturated fatty acid deficiency during neurodevelopment in mice models the prodromal state of schizophrenia through epigenetic changes in nuclear receptor genes. Transl Psychiatry, 7(9), e1229, 2017.
  4. Blume, M., Inoguchi, F., Sugiyama, T., Owada, Y., Osumi, N., Aimi, Y., Taki, K., Katsuyama, Y. Dab1 contributes differently to the morphogenesis of the hippocampal subdivisions. Dev Growth Differ, 59(8), 657–673, 2017.
  5. Yoshizaki, K., Koike, K., Kimura, R., Osumi, N.: Early postnatal vocalizations predict sociability and spatial memory in C57BL/6J mice: Individual differences in behavioral traits emerge early in development. PLoS ONE. 12(11), e0186798, 2017.
    Correction. PLoS ONE. 13(1), e0191702, 2018.
  6. Sato, T., Kikkawa, T., Saito, T., Itoi, K. and Osumi, N.: Organizing activity of Fgf8 on the anterior telencephalon. Dev Growth Differ. 59(9), 701-712, 2017.
  7. Ueharu, H., Yoshida, S., Kikkawa, T., Kanno, N., Higuchi, M., Kato, T., Osumi, N., Kato, Y. Gene tracing analysis reveals the contribution of neural crest-derived cells in pituitary development. J Anat, 230(3), 373-380, 2017.